New markets and new territories




Trittico®: an important step for the group in the early 1970s

Trittico®, the drug based on trazodone resulting from Angelini’s research, is launched in Italy in the early 1970s. The product is subsequently marketed in other countries, thanks to Angelini’s commercial partners.


Tantum Verde®

The launch of Benzidamine under the TANTUM® brand

After synthesising Benzidamine in 1960, Angelini Laboratories launch Tantum Verde® in 1972 as an oral solution. It quickly spreads to other countries around the world.


Fameccanica headquarters

The creation of Fameccanica​

Thanks to the foundation of Fameccanica in 1975, Angelini enters the sector of designing, constructing and installing integrated production lines for the absorbent and disposable nappy industry.


Angelini expands in the Iberian peninsula

Angelini starts its expansion abroad by creating production facilities and commercial structures in Spain and Portugal.

Activities in the Iberian Peninsula begin in 1979 with the acquisition of Barcelona’s Lepori Group, ​​consisting of three companies: Farma Lepori and L. Lepori, active in producing and marketing drugs, and Laboratorios Ausonia, specialised in producing talc and items for children.