Industrial development



Dobetin's first commercial

The launch of Dobetin

On 23rd August 1950, Angelini files a patent for Dobetin, a vitamin B12 drug to treat pernicious anaemia, widespread in the Italian population that had suffered from hunger during the war years. The drug starts being produced and packaged in Ancona from the early 1950s.


The central offices - Rome

The headquarters move to Rome

Also in the early 1950s, Angelini decides to expand operations in Rome, where the group’s headquarters are still located today.


Tachipirina advertising

The launch of Tachipirina

At the end of the 1950s, among ACRAF’s various successful products, one that stands out is Tachipirina, an analgesic and antipyretic drug that is still one of the drugs most prescribed by paediatricians.


First Photo of Fater's Office

The establishment of Fater

In 1958, a new company named Fater (Farmaceutici Aterni) is founded, its name referring to its geographical position not far from the Aterno river in Pescara.

Fater becomes a leader in the production of nappies and sanitary napkins, but its first success comes with Stilla ophthalmic drops.